CPS1-compliant Regulation Using a PSD analysis of Wind Expansion in a Single Balancing AuthorityChavez, H., Lee, D., Baldick, R.Sustainable Energy, IEEE Transactions onVol. 6,pp. 976- 983.
The Joint Adequacy of AGC and Primary Frequency Response in Single Balancing Authority SystemsChavez, H., Baldick, R., Matevosyan, J.Sustainable Energy, IEEE Transactions onVol. 6,pp. 959- 966.
An Ex-post Energy Rate Mechanism for Distribution Networks based on Real Time MeteringHector ChavezIEEE IGST LA 2015pp. 1- 6.
CPS1-compliant Economic Dispatch for a Single Balancing Authority SystemSebastian Carrasco, Hector ChavezIEEE IGST LA 2015pp. 1- 6.
Governor Rate-Constrained OPF for Primary Frequency Control AdequacyChavez, H., Baldick, R., Sharma, S.Power Systems, IEEE Transactions onVol. 29,pp. 1 443- 1 480.
CPS1 Compliance-Constrained AGC Gain Determination for a Single-Balancing AuthorityChavez, H., Baldick, R., Matevosyan, J.Power Systems, IEEE Transactions onVol. 29,pp. 1 481- 1 488.
Problematicas Asociadas al Control de Frecuencia en Presencia de Generacion RenovableCornejo, R., Carrasco, S., Chavez, H.XXI congreso chileno de control automatico
Determination of Acceptable Inertia Limit for Ensuring Adequacy under High Levels of Wind IntegrationFarrokhseresht, N., Chavez, H., Hesamzadeh, M.International Conference on European Elecricity Marketpp. 1- 5.
Inertia and Governor Ramp Rate Constrained Economic Dispatch to Assess Primary Frequency Response AdequacyChavez, H., Baldick, R.International Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality (ICREPQ’12)pp. 1- 6.
Regulation Adequacy Analysis Under High Wind Penetration Scenarios in ERCOT NodalChavez, H., Baldick, R., Sharma, S.Sustainable Energy, IEEE Transactions onVol. 3,pp. 743- 750.